Countywide Action Plan (CAP)
About the Program
The 2021 Countywide Action Plan was developed by the Montour County Conservation District. This plan highlights best management practices that are aimed at reducing nutrients in local waterways. This plan is a living document and is going to be implemented until 2025.
Montour County Reduction Goals:
Nitrogen- Reduce 486,000 pounds by 2025.
Phosphorus- Reduce 5,000 pounds by 2025.
Overview of Plan:
State Programmatic Recommendations
Priority Initiative 1- Planning, Manure Management, and Fertilizer Applications.
Priority Initiative 2-Soil Health and Cover Crops
Priority Initiative 3-Buffers
Priority Initiative 4-Reporting and Tracking Results
Priority Initiative 5-Agland Preservation and Cropland Retirement
Stormwater Management
Priority Initiative 1- Stream Restoration
Priority Initiative 2- Flooding, Wetlands, and Infiltration Basins
Priority Initiative 3-BMPs in Developed Urban Areas
Priority Initiative 1- Partners
View the full Montour Countywide Action Plan here.